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Francophone Open Science Think Tank and Information Group

Welcome to the GRISOF website

Discover who we are and our activities in favor of the world of health in the French-speaking world


Dear colleagues,

Dear friends,


It's back to school after a summer break conducive to reflection. The second stage of our strategic plan is currently being developed. Our 2023-2024 roadmap should allow for better visibility and better positioning of GRISOF through its actions in the field. It comes in three stages.

(1) Fall 2023.Eight new training modules, called “References for Open Science” will begin at the end of 2023.

(2) Spring 2024.“Open Science and Francophonie” Workshop remotely, open to all. Open science, promoted by UNESCO, is revolutionizing access to science and particularly publication. Along with artificial intelligence, this is one of the great revolutions underway. It requires training, knowledge of developments and pitfalls. This workshop will make it possible to define the questions that will be addressed during the following colloquium.

(3) Fall 2024/Winter 2025.Colloquium “Open Science and Francophonie”, This symposium will involve government agencies and other organizations and universities, all involved in science, either in research training or in the dissemination of research data. Together we will have to answer a series of questions elaborated during the workshop on open science, in particular: economic model, social responsibility, excesses such as the rise of predatory journals, open access publication platforms, new questions concerning ethics and the 'integrity.


We will continue our conferences with two new objectives : further broaden the multidisciplinary field of our speakers; ask PhD students to exhibit their work to make them known and have the opportunity to present and discuss their scientific approach.  We call on all mentors, thesis supervisors, research supervisors, to submit applications that we will then contact.



For the editorial committee of GRISOF

Yves Tremblay, Faculty of Medicine-Laval University, Quebec

Etienne Lemarié, Faculty of Medicine of

Zouhair Souissi, Faculty of Medicine of Tunis

Management Committeewe

  • Olivier ARMSTRONG, Professor, Faculty of Medicine of Nantes

  • Marie CAULI, Emeritus Professor, anthropologist, University of Artois, France

  • Jean-Paul FRANCKE, Honorary Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of Lille, Honorary President of the CIDMEF

  • Etienne LEMARIE, Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Medicine of Tours.

  • Daniel RODRIGUEZ, President Elsevier Masson, Paris

  • Yves TREMBLAY, Full Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Laval University, Quebec.

GRISOF: Our actions

Editorial group - Videoconferencing-Open Science and Open Access

CAMES Training Indexing - Training - Communication - Daily management


Vous étiez 220 participants aux ateliers "Science ouverte en santé" des 30 et 31 mars 2024. Nous vous en remercions

Voici quel était le programme de ces ateliers.

Les rapporteurs des six thèmes produiront un document de synthèse prévu pour septembre prochain. Cette synthèse permettra de bâtir le programme du colloque organisé en présentiel et distanciel, début 2025.

Bonaventure Mvé Ondo, Professeur de philosophie à l'Université Omar Bongo de Libreville, co-rédacteur de la charte de l’UNESCO, a prononcé un plaidoyer remarquable, intitulé "Science ouverte en francophonie: enjeux et pratiques". 

GRISOF has five working groups

Editorial Committee

  • Olivier ARMSTRONG, Professor of Anatomy, Nantes Faculty of Medicine. France

  • Cossi ATTINSOUNON, Hospital and University Practitioner, Infectiologist, CHUD Parakou, Benin

  • Momar Code BA, Professor of Neurosurgery, First Assessor of the Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Odontology of Dakar, Senegal

  • Jacques BARRIER, Emeritus Professor, former President of the CIDMEF Educational Council, Faculty of Medicine of Nantes, France

  • Augustine from BENOIST, Consultant specializing in advising international public and parapublic organizations focusing in particular on Europe, Africa and Asia, Paris.

  • Marie CAULI, Emeritus Professor, anthropologist, University of Artois, France

  • Jean-Philippe CHIPPAUX, Public health researcher, editor-in-chief of the MSTI journal, Paris, France

  • Cheikh A Tidiane CISSE, Head Professor of the Department of Gynecology-Obstetrics, President of the Francophone Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecology (FéFOG), Cheikh Anta DIOP University of Dakar, Senegal

  • Joyce DOGBA, Professor-Researcher, Director of Global and Planetary Health, Faculty of Medicine, Laval University, Quebec.

  • Aziza FISSAH  Professor of pulmonology, CHU Bab El Oued Algiers, project manager at the General Secretariat, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. Algiers, Algeria 

  • Jean-Paul FRANCKE, Honorary Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of Lille, Honorary President of the CIDMEF, Deputy Director General of the CIDMEF 2011-2021. Lille, France

  • Ihsane HMAMOUCHI, Professor of Rheumatology, Epidemiology, Faculty of Medicine of Rabat, Morocco. 

  • Georges KHAYAT, Professor of Pneumology Hôtel Dieu, Coordinator of the International Scientific Council of the French-speaking Space of Pneumology, Saint-Joseph University. Beirut, Lebanon

  • Maude LAPLANTE-DUBE, Scholarly Communications Librarian, Library - Research Support Department, Laval University, Quebec.

  • Etienne LEMARIE, Emeritus Professor, Deputy Director General of the CIDMEF 2018-2021, Faculty of Medicine of Tours, France

  • Violaine LEMAY, Full Professor at the Public Law Research Center of the University of Montreal; specialist in interdisciplinary relations specific to equality-conscious governance; co-founder of the Hygeia Network. Montreal, Quebec, Canada

  • Zakari LIRE, PhD student in public communication, Head of the Information and Documentation Center (CID-CAMES), Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

  • Sonia MAALEJ, Professor of Pneumology, Faculty of Medicine of Tunis, Head of Pneumology Department Abderahman Mami Hospital, Ariana Tunisia

  • Hervé MAISONNEUVE, Public Health Physician, Director of  Paris, France

  • Sylvain MEURIS, Emeritus Professor of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, former Dean of the ULB, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium

  • Bonaventure MVE ONDO, Professor of Comparative Philosophy at the Omar Bongo University of Libreville, Honorary Vice-Rector in charge of the regionalization of the AUF. Libreville, Gabon

  • Hanta RASATAHARIFETRA, Hospital Surgeon at the CHU Analankininina-Toamasina, President of the College of Teachers of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Toamasina, Madagascar

  • Daniel RODRIGUEZ, President Elsevier-Masson, outgoing President of the  Syndicat de la Presse et de l'Edition des Professions de Santé (SPEPS) Paris.

  • May GERGES HARFOUCHE SAMAHA, Director of the Library of Medical Sciences, Saint Joseph University, Beirut, Lebanon. 

  • Siaka SIDIBE, Professor of Radiology and Medical Imaging, Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Odontostomatology (FMPOS), Editor-in-Chief of Mali Médical, Bamako, Mali

  • Zouhaier SOUISSI, Vice-president of STMRA (Tunisian Society of Respiratory Diseases  and Allergology), EFP, Tunis, Tunisia

  • Yves TREMBLAY, Full Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Research Center of the CHU de Québec-Laval University, Quebec


GRISOF organizes four series of videoconferences

Since 2017, first within CIDMEF and then GRISOF, we have organized and supported four types of videoconferences for the benefit of mainly African colleagues.

Medical news conferences

As of June 25, 2023, 139 news videoconferences have been broadcast to the 165 faculties of the CIDMEF network and 750 correspondents, with the technical support of the AUF during the first three years (2018-2021).

These medical news conferences alternate with presentations of clinical cases. First focused on pulmonology, then on personalized medicine, our conferences have expanded to include societal aspects.

The conferences are accessible later on the SPLF/EFP website and on YouTube

Until May 24, 2022, we organized 26 "COVID Pandemic" videoconferences with the theme of clinics, epidemiology, biology, organization of care, information, cultural aspects in Africa. Audience: 100 to 200 people live, 400 to 1200 people delayed.


In January 2021, we started a third cycle of monthly conferences, organized by the FéFOG (French-speaking Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecology). This program takes place in partnership with the AUF through its international multi-stakeholder collaborative system for social innovation (ACTIF).

As of June 25, 2023, 26 videoconferences have been organized and available on a deferred basis

Bulletin “COVID-19 pandemic”

Since March 2020, through May 2022, we have published 29 COVID-19 newsletters. These bulletins contain data from the literature, practical information from learned societies, analyzes and forums in which each faculty is invited to present its experience.

Bulletin "Open Science in Health"

On June 24, 2023, we published the eleventh newsletter "Open Science in Health".


GRISOF has developed a training program to improve, strengthen and promote scientific research thanks to a dedicated teaching team.


  • Olivier ARMSTRONG, Faculty of Medicine of Nantes, director of CIDMEF-Sciences.

  • Ihsane HMAMOUCHI, Professor of rheumatology, epidemiologist, Faculty of Medicine of Rabat, Morocco Clinical epidemiology

  • May GERGES HARFOUCHE SAMAHA Director of the Library of Medical Sciences Saint Joseph University, Beirut, Lebanon.


The 13 training courses offered by GRISOF to improve, strengthen and promote scientific research

  1. Help with a research project. Project development. Search for partnerships. Funding.

  2. Training in medical and scientific writing. Reminder of the basic principles. International standards. Instructions to authors. The strong points. Errors. Risks.          

  3. Training in scientific expression (oral and poster). international principles. Presentation.  Audiovisual document, the essential rules. The posted communication (poster)      

  4. Fraud, plagiarism  predatory journals, pre-publications. Definitions.  Preventions. How to recognize them? Risks and consequences.       

  5. Assistance in the preparation of theses or works  scientists. Different steps. Choice of subject, people. Administrative steps. Oral presentation and document. Post thesis.  From thesis to the original article....              

  6. Pedagogical basics.  How do we learn? Memory. From learning to expertise.                       

  7. Management, assistance with the structuring of journals for "experts"

  8. Ethics and scientific integrity

  9. Training of librarians, ICT specialists. Curators Square.       

  10. Help with bibliographic research. Good and bad reviews. Pitfalls.  Danger of predatory journals. Find items.                                   

  11.  Bibliographic management training with ZOTERO       

  12. Knowledge sharing and open science. Knowledge. Transmission of knowledge. Knowing how to give, share. Benefits and risks.                       

  13. Clinical research training ; application to Africa. Pragmatic essays. ; ;

These trainings are offered to all:  University Presidents, Faculty Deans,  Institute managers or all structures of higher scientific training, who decide according to their wishes, needs ..... for the benefit of teacher-researchers.
The implementation is up to the decision maker and the expert. The host structure bears the costs of organization and logistics, with the help of any support such as Embassy, University, AUF, WHO, pharmaceutical industry...


GRISOF partnerships with...
The RAJeC: African Network of Young Researchers: 800 members, 30 countries, mainly from the CAMES area. Supervisor: Ph D ATSE Martial, University of Abidjan.
The Attic of Knowledge. Responsible: Gilbert Babena,  University of Maroua. Cameroon.
Nascent Platform in Open Science: "Consortium National Open Science R.D.C."
Responsible: Pr Jacques,  Dominica B. Ndgeleka, Kinshasa, DRC.

The website (Pr Ishane Hmammouchi) is available to faculties for questions of clinical epidemiology and research methodology.


The site is free to access. However, for each content that interests you, please send a message to request permission to use it.

If several contents interest you, instead of repeating the process for each content, you can sign a bi-partite agreement between EpiRheum and your institution.

Training courses organized in 2022 and 2023. Pr Olivier Armstrong

February 2022 Tamatave, Madagascar: "About scientific publications", "How to attract students to lectures"

March 2022 Agadir, Morocco: "Scientific Publications and Open Science"

April 2022 Dakar, Senegal: "From learning to competence" 

September 2022 Lubumbashi, R. D.Congo: remote presentation of two communications at the scientific days 

October 2022 Open Science Congress in Cotonou: "Presentation of GRISOF", invited by the IRD 

December 2022 Seminar in Hanoi, Vietnam

March 2023. RAJeC in collaboration with GRISOF. Writing of scientific articles and open science.

April 2023. Dakar Medical Days. 

GRISOF was  represented by Pr Olivier Armstrong, invited by Dean Bara NDIAYE:
- Plenary conference,  Thursday, April 27: "Scientific Publications and Open Science"
- Communication, Friday 28 April. Sub-theme: Simulation, innovations and quality:
" GRISOF: Reflection and Information Group in Francophone Open Science"
- General public forum, exchange with students,  teachers. Interactive session, Saturday April 29:
" How to attract students to lectures?


Responsible:Ihsane HMAMOUCHI, Professor of Rheumatology, Epidemiologist, Faculty of Medicine of Rabat, Morocco.  Clinical epidemiology

CAMES-CIDMEF-GRISOF Formation Indexation   

est chargé de travailler avec le CAMES, éditeurs et rédacteurs de revues, en vue d’améliorer la qualité de la recherche et la qualité des publications africaines et malgaches. L’action soutenue se veut un accompagnement des facultés de l’espace CAMES.


A cet effet, un atelier CAMES- GRISOF a été conduit les 29 et 30 novembre 2022.  Lien

       Le management au quotidien 

Le management au quotidien

  • Jacques BARRIER, Professeur émérite, ancien Président du conseil pédagogique de la CIDMEF, Faculté de Médecine de Nantes, France

  • Sylvain MEURIS, Professeur émérite d'épidémiologie et biostatistiques, ancien Doyen de l'ULB, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgique

  • Violaine LEMAY, Professeure titulaire au Centre de recherche en droit public de l’Université de Montréal; spécialiste des relations interdisciplinaires propres à une gouvernance soucieuse d’égalité; cofondatrice du Réseau Hygeia. Montréal, Québec, Canada

  • Bonaventure MVE ONDO, Professeur de philosophie comparée à l’Université Omar Bongo de Libreville, vice-recteur honoraire chargé de la régionalisation de l’AUF. Libreville, Gabon


Sont traités les problèmes rencontrés par les responsables des établissements de formation en Santé (des médecins et autres professions).

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Le bilan 2022 est accessible en téléchargement
Le bilan 2023 est également disponible

Bulletins science ouverte

No posts published in this language yet
Once posts are published, you’ll see them here.

Nous contacter

GRISOF Group for Reflection and Information in Francophone Open Science is committed to exceeding all your expectations. Questions, comments or special requests? Do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to get in touch with you.

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Merci pour votre envoi !

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